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Photo Induced Molecule Alignment

Photo Induced Molecule Alignment is the technology of using light as a processing tool to control the micro-alignment of LC molecules. Only when all LC molecules are regularly aligned at the micro-scale, their optical anisotropy will be macroscopically manifested, respectively. Compared with the traditional rubbing technology, the photo alignment technology has many new advantages, such as non-charge, non mechanical damage, good physical and chemical stability, multi-direction alignment and high selectivity of substrates. These advantages not only improve the performance of LCD, but also create a huge space for the development of new type optical and photoelectric thin films. Such as achromatic quarter wave plate, positive C-plate, O-plate, FPR film, AG/AR film, optical variable film, anti-blue film, IR reflective film, anti-counterfeit film and hot transfer film. 

Xagic is using this unique technology as a molecular scalpel, which interferes and controls the 3D arrangement of each LC molecule to realize extremely flexible optical modulation. Like the conductor of a symphony orchesta, it makes each LC musician perform its own functions and concerto a movement of the light.

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  • Yingong Road, Shanghai Chemical Industry Park, 201424, Shanghai, PR China
  • fabiendelbaere@xagic.cn
  • 021-59843060
  • www.xagic.cn

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