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Micro Optical Structure Design

Microscopic determines macroscopic. XAGIC designs different combinations of the optical properties of multi-layer LC films at micron scale to creatively achieve a variety of optical effects.

XAGIC owns a variety of LCPs materials, which have different modulation effects on light. Even the same kind of LC material can exhibit different physical properties under different additives, thickness, optical axis angle and other parameters. Therefore, the design of this micro-structure is very complex and full of technical content. It is necessary to have a deep understanding of the properties of LC materials, inter-layer optical effect and processing technology.

XAGIC independently developed a software for the design of LC optical films, which can simulate the optical characteristics of end products.

Contact Us

  • Yingong Road, Shanghai Chemical Industry Park, 201424, Shanghai, PR China
  • fabiendelbaere@xagic.cn
  • 021-59843060
  • www.xagic.cn

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